Hotter temperature lighter evenings and summertime holiday bookings can indicate only one particular thing

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Version vom 3. Januar 2014, 04:50 Uhr von HannaS58hpxn (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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WARMER weather, lighter evenings and summer holiday bookings can mean only one thing...
time to get fit. One of the most enjoyable - and quickest - ways to lose a few pounds and boost your fitness is by going for a run.
It's one of the best workouts you can do and anyone can have a go, whatever your fitness level or age. Here's how you can get started...
Why you should run
To lose weight "Running's great for weight loss," says fitness trainer Kristoph Thompson website "It burns around 11 calories a minute."

To boost your fitness
"Running trains your heart and lungs so they become more efficient at transporting oxygen around your body," says Kristoph.
To bust stress
Exercise triggers the release of feelgood hormones to help improve your mood. When you run you can pick your own intensity, working as hard as you need to achieve that mood-boosting effect.
To build your bones
Running is an impact exercise, which helps to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis in later life.

For practical reasons
You can run whenever you want, wherever you are. That makes it a great exercise choice if you're juggling work and family life - you can just grab half an hour to go for a run when you get the chance. And, of course, it's free!
What you'll need
"A good pair of running shoes is the most important piece of kit, as when you run your feet absorb shock equal to many times your body weight," says Kristoph. "So the right pair of shoes can make all the difference to soreness and injury.

"You should go for the best pair you can afford. Running shoes should be lightweight, providing cushioning and support."
Decent and dependable running shoes don't come cheap but you should consider them an essential investment in your quest to get fit. Try the new Hi Tec V-Lite Vento, #55, for stockists call 01702 541 771 or visit website
For women, a good sports bra is a must. "There are no muscles in the breasts, only ligaments, and once they become stretched there is nothing you can do (short of surgery) to lift your bust line again," says Kristoph. "Without a good sports bra, the breasts will bounce when you exercise, causing them to sag irreversibly."

Try the Shock Absorber Impact Level 3 Sport Bra, from #21.99, from website or department stores.
"Finally, if you go out running at night, reflective clothing is important to help you stay safe," says Kristoph.
Getting started
"If you are overweight or have never exercised before, begin with walking and gradually build in periods of jogging as your fitness improves," says Kristoph.
If you have a reasonable fitness level, try running twice a week, for 30 minutes - or whatever you can manage. Always cool down with some stretches at the end of your run. "In general, if you are training regularly you will probably start to see an improvement in a month," says Kristoph. As you start to become fitter, and find your running easier, you can build up to longer, more frequent runs, or try going faster, or up and down hills.

Keep going
As with any form of exercise, it can be hard to maintain your motivation after that initial burst of enthusiasm, especially since running can be solitary, with nobody to encourage or nag you to keep it up.
But there are some simple ways to stay motivated.
Have a goal
"The key to getting out there is to have a reason for doing it," says sports psychologist Dr Victor Thompson website That's why having a fun run to aim for is a great idea. But your goal could also be losing a certain amount of weight, or running a certain distance.

Make specific plans
"Rather than saying to yourself, 'I'll go running a couple of times this week,' plan your runs properly," says Victor. "For example, tell yourself: 'I'll go running on Tuesday and Friday after work, for three miles, around the park.' If you have specific plans you're far more likely to keep to them."
Have some company
"Knowing that someone else is expecting you to turn up at a particular time will get you going more easily,' says Victor. So hook up with a friend, or look for running clubs in your area - visit website for clubs around the country.

Listen to music
Studies suggest the most motivating music has a similar pace to your workout, so avoid guitar ballads and choose uptempo playlists for your run. If you need a new MP3 player, try the new Sony MP3 Walkman, #119, from website - an amount from each sale is donated to Breast Cancer Care.

Vary your workout
Don't do the same run every time you go out - you'll soon grow bored. "Choose a different route, run at varied times of the day, go over a mixture of flat and hilly ground, go as fast as you can some days, run at a steady pace on others," suggests Victor.

Grab some motivating gadgets
The Nike+iPod Sports Kit includes a sensor that goes into your running shoe, and connects with your iPod using wireless technology, to tell you how far you've run and how many calories you've burned.
After your workout you can connect your iPod to your computer, and it will download your running log. And you can chat to other runners online, and even challenge them to "virtual races". The software chip and receiver costs #19, kit-ready shoes start from #65.

For stockists call 0800 056 1640.
Preparing for a big run
"You should go out four to six times a week in the approach to a big run," says Kristoph.
As a general rule, if you're moderately fit start training two to three months beforehand. In between runs, get lots of rest and sleep, and eat healthily. It's important to eat plenty of slow-releasing carbohydrates when you're training.
Oats, wholegrain bread, wholewheat pasta and basmati rice are all good choices, along with lots of fruit and vegetables, and lean protein like chicken and fish.

On the day itself, eat a breakfast based on slow-releasing carbs. If you're running for more than an hour, isotonic sports drinks or high-GI snacks, such as bananas and dried fruit, will help keep your blood sugar up.
And of course, you need plenty of liquids to stay hydrated.
"LOTS of people believe they are not able to run due to 'dodgy' knees or ankles, but in fact this is often down to a weakness in the muscles around the joints and may actually improve with the right kind of exercise," says Kristoph. "Seek advice from a physiotherapist for exercises to help strengthen the muscles." But there are some situations where running should be avoided...

Anyone with a joint condition such as arthritis should avoid highimpact exercise as it will worsen wear and tear - try cycling or swimming instead.
A little niggling pain is nothing to worry about, but if you notice persistent muscular pain during exercise, stop immediately.
If you have joint pain when you're at rest, or notice any swelling around a joint, avoid exercise until it improves.
"Never exercise when you have a fever," says Kristoph. "If you have a cold, you can still go for your run if your symptoms are above the neck, but if you have any coughing or muscle aches, running could make things worse, so hang on until you're feeling better."

If you have any long-term medical condition, always check with your doctor before you start an exercise programme.
Start with brisk walking a couple of times a week, then start alternating two minutes of gentle running with two minutes of walking. Generally, it takes around a month to build up from walking to running, but be guided by how you feel, and never push yourself.
Anyone with heart disease or high blood pressure, who's obese or over 50 should check with their GP before they start running because exertion increases the risk of a heart attack.

But long term, regular exercise will lower your risk of heart disease and your doctor will probably encourage you to start gently and avoid very intensive running.
WALK for Skin 2007, for the British Skin Foundation, happening around the country from May 13-20. website
Cancer Research's 5km Race For Life takes place throughout the country over the summer, visit website
Sheffield Half Marathon, May 20, which supports charities including the RSPCA and Marie Curie Cancer Care. Visit website

Cardiff Bay Fun Run, 6 June, for the British Heart Foundation - visit website
Belfast City Run, 7 May, for the Down's Syndrome Association. website
Run a Mile Fun Run, Barrow in Furness, Cumbria, 1 July - raises money for different local charities. website THE FUN INTO RUNNING

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